Custody and Back to School

As we get closer and closer to going back to school, parents often wonder what their rights may be to their child or children, especially in the context of school.

Parents who have joint legal custody have the right to know what school their child attends, to be able to get access to the child’s portal, if the school offers a portal, to see the child’s progress.  Each parent should be on the school’s contact list, and neither parent is permitted to take the other parent off the list, or to add the other parent to the school’s do-not-contact list.  Both parents should be permitted to attend parent-teacher conferences, extracurricular events, and meetings.  

One parent is not allowed to unilaterally exclude the other parent from the child’s schooling, extracurriculars, or medical absent a court order.  A parent also cannot threaten such exclusion, particularly in relation to the payment of child support.

We would be happy to speak with you if you have any questions.