Wearing the Skirt - Or Yoga Pants - in Your Relationship

Women have come a long way when it comes to equality nationally, though we still have a way to go.  Behind closed doors, it is likely that one’s woman-ness and related qualities are also brought up, perhaps by a partner.  Comments about being too emotional, the need to be protected because the woman cannot protect herself, to “behave,” and “be good,” and “take it,” and rein in those emotions” are sentiments I hear my female clients tell me often.

Such comments, particularly when they get out of control, are not ok.  Enough of such comments may even give cause to bring a restraining order.  It may feel embarrassing or too personal to share what has been going on, and I completely understand.  But I would like to help, even to discuss options, if you have had enough.  And if you aren’t sure if you’ve had enough, I would like for you to think about your child or children, if you have any.  They are watching, and are forming opinions about what their relationship should look like.  Do you want their future relationship to look like yours?

If this article struck a chord with you, I would be happy to schedule a free consultation about your situation, and to discuss possible next steps.  I am here.